It is important to remember that parents are called to be the first and primary teachers of the faith. Our Sacrament Prep teachers and catechists place great value on working with parents as we prepare children to receive the sacraments. Parents are expected to enroll their children in religious instruction, support that effort, and reinforce the lessons through word and example. Our catechists are always willing and able to assist parents in those tasks.
First Pennance & First Holy Communion: Parish children in grade 2 begin preparing for the sacrament of Reconciliation. Children attending Catholic School will cover the preparation as part of their grade school curriculum. CCD students will prepare during their catechetical classes. All children are required to participate in religious instruction for at least one year prior to the reception of the sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist. First Penance is traditionally held during March and the location is subject to change. Children prepare through classroom instruction with their teacher/catechist and supplemental instruction with their parents. First Penance and First Holy Communion is coordinated by Larissa Borzok, 2nd grade CCD catechist. First Holy Communion is traditionally scheduled for the Sunday immediately following Mother’s Day. There are practices scheduled for the reception of both sacraments. Details regarding locations/dates/times are provided by Ms. Borzok to all children in the class as soon as they are available.
Confirmation: Parish youth are confirmed in 8th grade based on a schedule that is established by the Diocese of Allentown. The date and location of Confirmation are different each year and are shared with the confirmandi and their families as soon as that information is available from the Diocese. Confirmation prep begins in 6th and 7th grades and focuses on the student’s call to truly understand and live their faith. Again, participation in religious instruction is required prior to reception of the sacrament. Confirmation preparation includes classroom work, service hours, participation in preparatory retreats/liturgies, and discernment. There are practices scheduled for the actual Confirmation Mass and reception of the sacrament. Practice dates/times/locations will be shared as soon as available. Confirmation is coordinated by Ms. Eileen Barlow.
To request more information about our Sacrament Prep Program, please contact the parish office or enter your information and submit the form below.